28 February 2023: I awoke on this morning at 4.44am with an email that wanted to be written immediately. So, knowing this was my personal source connection waking me up with something specific I started typing. It was written with a specific person in mind…. and I pressed send. But if you’re reading this it is meant for you also…..
This birth day is my 50th, and I am specifically calling in the patterns and pathways that will align directly, fruitfully and potently with the people, places and experiences I was born in these times for. I sense that the first half of this life was for the undoing and transmuting of patterns that kept us in historically conditioned loops of lack and limitation… and that this second half of life is for generating new, liberating patterns that will build the future we will leave for our children…. and the the future we leave for our children will be one that can unfurl through their sovereignty — which, because of our actions now, remains in tact.
I had my only baby at 44…. By definition of the medical world experts I am a geriatric mother. By definition of my deeper self I, like yourself, am a pioneer. And this radiant beam child has come at this time to give me an intimate experience of the frequencies we are now aligning with. He’s like a homing beacon ensuring the future we not just write the right future, but that we completely leave the ways of the old world behind. We are the gatekeepers to the new world, they are the builders of it.
As a transformational hypnotherapist over the past couple of decades I have become atuned to the skill of being able to see the systems, and the patterns within the systems, that an individual is creating life through. But hypnotherapy itself is of an old, dense and non-sovereign way of facilitating expansion and growth and doesn’t lend itself to the fullest power of the frequencies now available to us. What we are creating is a conglomerate of the purity we bring through our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual connection to source — and that comes not from outside us, but from within us.
Our source energy unfurls through our material form, frond by frond, like nature, from the inside out. When we are plugged into our own source our inner healing ability switches on and we know exactly which step comes next. Life then shifts from being a laborious juggle through a ten-step manifesto into a dream that simply unfurls through a series of spontaneous one-step plans – I call it The One Step Plan, because there’s only ever one step you can take at a time – your only challenge is to trust the power from which your unfurling life comes. Creativity thrives over thinking and the authenticity of your source energy leads the way. What unfurls comes from the flames of your purity, the fires of your creativity — because the codes of your deepest self are activated and unfurling through each step you take; without your having to think about them…. the puppy mind thinking is mere distraction.
I’m not sharing anything you don’t already know…. But I feel like my ability to see the frond of you that is unfurling next and to facilitate the distillation of it’s needs through you could be of some kind of use on your team in life. Not really as a coach from whom you take direction, you don’t need any more of that… our time for preparing is done… but more as a cheerleader who will cheerlead you in the purification of your creations into physical reality. Together we alchemize like tuning forks, and the harmonic of your sovereignty synthesizes the way.
The frequencies of our times are moving too fast for in depth business plans or strategy of any kind. By the time we get done with the first step, circumstances have shifted and step two doesn’t fit anymore. Visions update themselves as what doesn’t belong in the future we are building fall away. Our needs only get clearer and what’s actually happening only reveals itself as it unfurls. We are rewriting our future in each and every moment because we simply cannot see the inner most center of a flower until all petals have released their grip on it; and we finally see what magic has unfurled in the plain trust that it would.
Living in and with the The One Step Plan can be an intimidating place to be—all variables considered. These are dicey times. My job has become one of helping people build radical trust in each and every single step they take as they rewrite the future. Together we purify the patterns we collectively perpetuate through the unfurling layers of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual sovereignty. This happens when one is organizing the business of their life through their own source energy. So I hone and cheerlead that.
I’m done working in the density of personal problems… what doesn’t belong, is not you, doesn’t fit, and is leaving. It doesn’t need therapy, that would just recycle it. It just needs you to hold still while it leaves. What’s left is a clear slate free from the patterns of the past; I am so excited to be working with people who are building the new systems and laying the pathways into this new world. We are the gatekeepers of the future our children will build. It is up to us to open the gate to the most sovereign of possibilities.
Soooo…. if you can see where you’d benefit from honing your connection to your own source energy as you live perpetually clearly and purely in each unfurling frond of your creations… then hit me up. I’d like to take on some new and innovative clients at this time and, for if you’re alive at THIS time then there is a specific reason you are here, and I’d love to work with you and help activate your own personal instructions.
Regardless of how the fronds of your nature unfurl throughout this next leap around the sun and thirteen moons, I wish you radical sovereignty and the freedom to create whatever it is that surges through from your deepest nature.
in heart with love
Over the past twenty years I have been supporting people to reveal, access and combine the ancient power, talents and skills of their past with the wisdom and confidence of their future consciousness into their current day reality – by 100% being themselves, plugged into their own source energy. I see people live what’s true for them with bold intentionality, vision, power, authenticity and, above all, personal sovereignty. I see mountains get moved and whole worlds within worlds change and evolve when humans realise that the matrix outside of them is not real, its the one that lays within you mirroring the light lattice of interstellar intelligence and the crystalline grid of Earth and Nature itself, that has the Almighty power and wisdom to birth whole new worlds into reality. We were born for these times. Navigating them to bring the positive timelines into effect is what we’re here for.
The conversations we have together are the fertile ground from which your personal codes are activated. Together we hone your capacity to know and unfurl your role in the creation of the new systems and structures of the future we are here to build. Our time for preparing is complete. Now it’s about how, what, when and where you do you. If you are here on the planet in a human body then you were born for THESE times. Change can be instantaneous… but it is from your spontaneous now moment actions that it will unfurl in it’s most aligned form from your deepest core.
And that is what I am here for.