If you want 2023 to go differently than 2022 then….. |
You gotta get out of your comfort zone! Can you feel a different energy pushing you around this year? It’s got to do with your comfort zone. The frequency of now wants you aligned with your own source connection. Staying where you’re comfortable, or pushing against whats pushing you out, is only creating more and more push… Which creates discomfort, pain and suffering. When you’re feeling the feels that come up through this wild and furious purification that we are each in (whether it’s through anxiety, sadness, fear, anger, hurt, pain, grief, etc, etc, etc) and you work against it, trying to stay in the zone you’re familiar and comfortable with, you’re only going to keep getting the same experience you’ve been having. But… … when you allow a strong (or even subtle) pull, that lights you up from the inside out, to gravitate you in it’s direction…. and you allow yourself to take the leap — no matter how uncomfortable, risky or scary that leap may seem to the part of you that is feeling the feels telling you not to — the frequency you are leaping into will catch you and carry you through… BECAUSE … you leapt from that pulsation of creation that imbibes the essence of who you are from your very own Source Connection. So… …………… I started painting. And I’m loving it. This is a zoom in of a three board piece I’ve completed – it’s called Personal Combustion…. because that’s what it feels like I’ve been through this past couple of years. |
All that I was has combusted into all that I was always meant to be… I got off track for a while there, but I was never really on the track I wanted to be on. I got stuck on the self help path where I needed the people around me to have problems so I could fix them. But I don’t need that anymore… and the problems we have don’t need fixing the way they used to. These lighter frequencies we live in work differently than the more dense frequencies we used to live in. Instead of having to process and cathartically release like we used to, now we can hold still, be with, feel, witness, be…. and what we are present with that is not ours will undo it’s tangle with us and transmute…. all while you simply hold still, be with, feel, witness, be…. and then what’s left is what belongs… and from there… you will automatically and naturally, from your own source connection, generate new frequencies void of the family patterns and behaviors that used to be so intrinsic to all that you thought you were. But you weren’t you… you were a programmed bunch of patterns that lived through the image of you. And the frequencies of today simply cannot and will not carry those programs any longer… that’s why you find yourself able to say no to what doesn’t work for you, and yes to what does. You can do this all by yourself… but you might also find the space I offer will speed things up for you a little more because I can help you quickly isolate those patterns that are purifying off and I can hold still with you in that purification process. That’s where things can shift very quickly. The energy of this time works fast – when you’re aligned from your source connection and not an old program that runs the image of you on that same old “wash, rinse, repeat” cycle. So…. if you want to work in this new way with me I’m taking new clients now. I don’t expect you to need a whole bunch of sessions, just one or two might be good…. or you might choose to get a new business off the ground or really follow through with a new direction… that’s where our work together can be incredibly potent and nourishing. But you’ll know when you’re ready to go it alone because it’ll start happening for you once you get how easy it can be to shed the old programs through your own personal combustion. |
To the new paths we tread this year… |
If you want to set up an appointment with me from anywhere in the world, you can contact me here. The space I can hold with you is a potent purification that will assist you in taking the leap you’ve always wanted to take. Together we will set you up for a whole new chapter living and being from the YOU you were born to be. If you say yes to any of these questions I can help clarify your path and get you on it: Not sure where you want 2023 to take you? You’d like to gain clarity, receive guidance and push your own edges out into new horizons? Maybe take your business to the next level and create a new income bracket for yourself? Or perhaps you’re wanting to change directions and would like a cheerleader to hold your hand, someone who will talk you back off the ledge when you feel like your ideas are too bold? (2023 calls for “bold” by the way). Are you looking for that someone who who will remind you how freaking powerful you really are and who will help you dissolve the programs that you keep ruining but which no longer serve you? If you’re ready to change things up, expand, grow, attract abundance and commit to YOU, I can help. And I’m taking new clients now. We were born for these times… these are the frequencies we have been waiting for. This is our year to do things differently. Let’s do this thing! I am. And I’m here for you doing yours too. so much love Carmel |
Follow my art path here |