Whether you are up-levelling yourself in business, cultivating a newly compatible intimate relationship, navigating divorce or the death of a loved one, leaving home, raising a child, transitioning into parenthood, or through an empty nest into your child-free chapter or, like I was, doing much of that while also transitioning to a more artistic self-expression, the world you experience unfurls, frond by frond, through your wild and untamed, creative self… from the inside out, one step at a time… through your own One Step Plan. All you need to learn is how to trust the creativity that already lives through you – and that’s what I’m here for.
The One Step Plan is the only plan I’ve ever followed that accesses and activates the innate technology of my profoundly creative elemental nature. It’s so freaking fun to live from here and I’m excited for you to find out for yourself how free, easy and fun, living a profoundly creative life can be. The paths you will walk, the people you will meet, the relationships you will form and the experiences you will encounter are nothing short of EPIC when you live your own personal One Step Plan.
Nature is not frenetic, nor is it filled with fear, worry, anxiety or anticipation, and, at the deepest level, neither are you. The future might not be the utopian peace, love and light that the yogi’s promised…. but it is positive, it is fierce, passionate and expressive, and it is boldly rooted in the creative vortex of your own deepest self, where the magic of you unfurls like only YOU can.
In our sessions together I will assist you in creating a personal relationship with future versions of yourself, who will teach you to embody and activate your own series of now-moment one-step plans, and to live that plan, while centred, feet firmly on the ground, in the chaos of this massive frequency shift we are now living through. It’s not me who is the teacher, it’s your deepest creative self. All I do is lead you back to what is already living through you, and teach you how to trust that. Once you know how to do this, you won’t need me, or anyone else, to guide your life. You will be lead from the inside out, from the imaginal to the physical, your life emerging, frond by frond, just like the nature that you are. Here you will meet the ease and flow of Nature, living life as you. And it’s so FUN, and profoundly freeing, to live this way.
Our time together is about writing life into reality via the story of your own creative source, one step at a time, powerfully led from the inside out. It’s about learning to trust who you are, in your elemental nature.
In other words… I will help you get out of your own way, by cheerleading you back to your bond with that same creative wisdom that constructed your entire human body and embodied it with supreme consciousness. This is where the magic of you will remind you over and over that you are nature… and you unfurl… just like nature…. frond by frond… into your genuine epic self, in your own perfect time.
It’s time to unfurl YOU
through your elemental sovereignty
from the inside out.
It’s time to rewrite your future,
like only YOU can.
Are you ready?
Are you willing?
If yes, then what are you waiting for?
Can we work together
I offer you a free 20 minute intake session to assess yours and my alignment fit. We both want to be inspired by each other for real transformation to occur. So this call is an opportunity to interview each other.
What kind of person do I work with?
To work with me you will be inspired by the choices I have made throughout my life, and especially over the past couple of years as I have reoriented my life through my own series of one step plans to express my own creativity through contemporary abstract art. You will be inspired and excited by the fun and trepidatious dance that has led me through a series of my own one step plans, and the new future timeline that has emerged. It will raise questions for you and your path. The transitions I have gone through, the paths I’ve walked, which, when relevant, I will share freely with you. I’m an open book and will work intimately with you on a two way street. I do not believe in keeping the superiority of the “counsellor façade”. We are both bringing to the table our unique frequencies that will create an alchemical container that will inspire us both and transform your life in profound ways. I have learned to be who I am today by being a fallible human who has become her purest version of self by transmuting the frequencies that do not serve me and generating new frequencies that elevate and inspire from the inside out. To work with me is a gift that will take a certain frequencied individual to receive. And if you can, you WILL THRIVE in your own creative unfurling.
On a practical level. I have a degree in psychology and have been a certified clinical hypnotherapist since the early 2000’s. When frequencies were more dense we used to need the likes of Hypnotherapy for deep subconscious transformation – and I labored through those processes with my clients for two decades. But now the frequencies of these times are moving so fast that we can shift a world of density in moments, simply by sitting in the purificatory space these mentorship containers embody. This is what happens in the conversations that purify through the mentorship space we will create together, and if we need to we will use hypnotic techniques to eradicate the stubborn patterns.
We used to need to cathartic release before we could re-program. Now, generally, we just need to hold still in whatever is coming up, without accepting or rejecting it, or re-experiencing it in lengthy processes that just repackage it, and let our own source connection purify what no longer belongs. It happens in our presence and in our releasing of the grip we have had on how we expect things to be.
The conversations we have together will unplug you from the matrix you’ve become accustomed to and plug you back into your own source connection, aka your own sovereign power, the creativity of the Nature of you. You will undo old patterns of thinking and behaving, transmute them in the purity of the love that you are, which will turn your inner healing ability back on, enabling you to generate new patterns through your elemental nature. Here you architect a whole new reality.
Are we right for each other?
If you’re working with me in this way, you’re dipping your toes into a new reality from a place that knows there is an energy deep within you that is so powerful whole nations will go to war to try control it. You recognize that we don’t yet know what it means to be fully human… that we haven’t scratched the surface of our human technology…. and that we’re in the process of giving it away before we find out.
Like me, you want to find out what you’re capable of and this mentorship space will assist you in not only finding out, but in reclaiming your power, reawakening to your infinite Nature and creating whole new worlds in which to live – for you, your family, your community, and for humanity in general.
The bandwidth of this power within transcends all perceived limitations. It’s the power to become more than the challenges we face. It’s the technology to live without fear, to get out of your own way and to let this power/divinity/creativity/source energy – whatever you want to call it to just flow through you into manifest form. For me it’s what flows as creativity, my own nature, musing from within a vocal silence that tells me how to paint, what to offer and how to live life – and it is activated through the alchemy of being deeply seen and met by another human.
Once you are living an alchemical life, you know that you have the power to create whole new worlds and you’re ready to trust that you have everything you need inside you to take the next step, whatever it may be.
You’re aware that you operate a particular bandwidth of frequency and that the power within this bandwidth is accessed first through your own embodiment and secondly through alignment with like-frequency beings. You know that in these times it’s about feeding the patterns you want to cultivate more of, engaging less and less in that old paradigm, and living more and more by this creative power within you. This is how you materialise yourself in a reality in which you can not only wholeheartedly engage, but in which the profundity of who and what you really are comes alive. Here, your best life – your best expression of self, and your best expression of humanity – emerges. Here, through the alchemy of our embodied togetherness, we imbibe a technology that artificial intelligence will never compete with.
Living from within your own One Step Plan is how you upgrade the infrastructure of your life and rewrite the collective future in each step you take. So to be ready to work with me is to be committed to living your own One Step Plan.
Learning how to trust your own source energy, reclaim your sovereignty, and answer to yourself is the only secret – and you’ll find that knowing is the easy part… TRUSTING what you know is where the rubber hits the road.
You will learn that the wisdom, direction, instruction and free energy you’ve been looking for outside yourself is the technology of your own biological infrastructure and that artificial intelligence simply does not have the neuroplasticity of your biology. Your human biology, embodied with your elemental nature, is literally designed to reorganise itself to function at evolutionary greater and more expansive bandwidths, and if you’re ready to work with me, you’re ready to embody this aspect of yourself in daily life. You’re ready to know yourself as the infinitely creative power of Nature.
The winds of change we are currently riding have us unraveling from negative interdimensional frequencies that have been meddling with our sovereignty for hundreds, even thousands, of years. It has been a way of being for so long that our capacity to know differently, to know better, has been completely wiped out. To even want to be in this space takes a fundamental knowing that there is more to our true nature, more to your deepest capacity, than has been shared to date, and that we are the ones who are here to dissolve the lies of our past so we may rewrite our future – where nothing short of EPIC will be the norm.
It resonates with you that this kind of work can only be done from within your own One Step Plan and you’re ready to learn how to answer to your next step as it reveals itself in each moment.
You’re ready to develop the kind of patience that Nature has and you know that you can’t know the next step, until it’s ready to know known.
Timelines are moving so fast you don’t yet know who you’re going to be once this step is completed – and this excites the living shit out of you.
You’re ready to find out what kind of tree you are, how you grow best and what to do next, in each moment.
You’re ready to trust your own source energy, reclaim your sovereignty, reawken to the Nature of your elemental being and answer only to yourself.
If you are ready to activate the vision that comes from the purity of your own inner nature, architect your own reality and live by your own personal instructions, then you’re ready to create new infrastructures in a brand new world – and that makes you my kind of client.
Will you say yes to working with me?
To say yes to working with me, you will be aware of having reached an internal glass ceiling, know that the life you’re here to live is beyond it and are motivated to get there. You’ll know that you’re not connecting with the pure love source of your deepest self and want to live more powerfully in the world. If you are a leader or guide in any capacity you will know that you are not quite reaching the truth of what you’re really capable of with your people. You have specific desires, experience and ways of being and doing in the world that you want to experience. You’re not only prepared to reinvent yourself, you yearn to know MORE of who you are at the core of yourself and are prepared to drop everything that is in the way of your unique self expression.
You are done with self censoring. You will have already been working with a therapist and/or are aware of your own limiting patterns and self-destructive habits, you may not have disentangled from them completely yet. You already have tools to self-regulate. You know life is a creative unfurling of the magic of you, that it isn’t meant to be hard, and that you can receive easily and flow-fully – when you live by your own personal instructions. You are ready to live a sovereign life, free from destructive and limiting frequencies. You know there is ease. You know there is more. You’re ready to disentangle an old world and create an entirely new and positively powerful new world. You’re open to create. You’re open to receive.
You do not need another teacher, counsellor or guru. You’re done judging yourself and perceiving your self as inadequate; you’re ready to undo those limiting programs, transmute them and generate entirely new frequencies. You’re looking for a powerful, unique, nourishing and fertile space in which to alchemize the true expression of your unfurling, natural nature. You’re looking for a space which offers the fodder upon which you feast as you learn to trust the startling power of your own creativity. You are ready to truly transform your life and leave the limiting programs of lack behind. You’re ready for the EPIC that’s been missing, till now.
How are mentorship containers constructed?
Each duration of container will be curated by the frequencies of our coming together and the nature of your unique dreaming of reality into physical form.
During our time together we will check in with and detangle from past versions of yourself and the patterns you no longer need to repeat. You will learn how to access, and practice trusting, your personal instructions. In other words, you will learn to operate from the frequency of your deepest place. The longer we work together, the more profound this process becomes, as there is always deeper trust and greater evolution of self to explore as you reawaken into your alignment with, and glean wisdom from, the deepest place of your future self. As you attune to the natural unfurling of your own One Step Plan you will learn how to know and trust the wisdom inherent in each step you take.
Alchemy is the miraculous power of transmuting something common into something precious and, as the alchemy of our container deepens, you will access more of yourself and realize that your original intention for setting up this container was merely that which opened the door. What lays beyond that opened door will be revealed as your natural nature unfurls, revealing a version of you that you have likely never before dreamed possible.
The future is shockingly positive and profoundly epic… when you step into ALL of you.
What time and financial investment is required?
All pricing is set to a Sliding Scale Donation structure. Please choose the time duration right for you and adjust the USD figure to the investment right for you and your needs at this time. You can always add a top-up later if you feel called to, and you can lengthen your container at any point also.
This is the container in which you have the most access to me.
We will meet for a total of four two hour deep dives, in addition to meeting every two weeks for an hour and a half. You will also have access to me via WhatsApp text messages and emails in between so you can ask now-moment questions. These will be answered within 24 hours.
Two hour sessions every two weeks.
Two two hour deep dive.
Plus one or two emails per week if required for questions in between – with 24 hour turn around for response.
Here we will meet weekly for an hour and a half and have one two hour long deep dive at a point of your choice.
Plus one or two emails per week if required for questions in between – with 24 hour turn around for response.