As you percolate in the frequencies now pouring through from your unbridled, deepest self, married to and responsible for no one, and no thing, but your self, you will find yourself living from your deepest truth and greatest creative expression of all that you are in the world today. The relationship you have with yourself, others, experiences, finances and life in general will be creatively fruitful, inspiringly enjoyable and finally easeful.
It’s time for the struggle to be over.
Now the frequency is finally right and it’s time to level up into the life you were born in these times to live.
This space is a kind of sorting ground for coming to know the technology of your own spontaneous unfurling and its potent implications for not only your own personal life, but humanities greater good. There’s an alchemy that happens when an intentional space holds you accountable to your own deepest and truest expression. As you start to LIVE in your own creative expression, you ride the winds of change with a grace that uses these new frequencies to architect your reality in the best possible way only you can.
You will find that the vision updates itself, the little mind of doubt fades away and your life becomes a clear, vital and prosperous flow of natural unfolding as you tread the untrodden, trusting your own One Step Plan, one step at a time.
The parallel realities we’re here for are literally materializing in bandwidths we now have access to through the choices we make physically, economically, emotionally, and creatively. Grass roots, from your own ground up… the world you thought you were born into, the one which hasn’t been witnessed or experienced by yourself so far, is actually finally emerging – and YOU are it’s pioneer, when you are tuned into the right bandwidth to hear it’s tune, play it’s song and dance to it’s beat in your daily life. Then you naturally live in this new frequency, ride it’s winds of change and create like only you can. Your future self comes on line, revolutionizing everything about you from the inside out.
What does life look like here? Who are your mentors or those who can inspire you along the way??? It’s truly a specific breed of people tuned to this station that you, if you have read this far, are now imbibing.
You’re done with five year plans, 12 step programs and top three priority check lists – you know they simply don’t work anymore.
You are the pioneer of your new reality. You are the power you have been waiting for. Claiming your sovereignty and autonomy comes automatically when who and what you answer to is the elemental nature of your own deepest self.
Ask yourself….
Do you know how to:
* live in your freedom in every moment?
* be in the magic of your own energy easily unfurling like nature?
* reveal and activate the vision laid out within you?
* live in the fruitful ease of your own One Step Plan?
And can you trust yourself enough to :
* live by and act from your own personal instructions as they emerge?
* answer to your own deepest nature?
* access and live by the technology of your inner healing ability?
* live a clear, vital and prosperous way of life?
This mentorship container is designed specifically for you, by your future self, based on the premise that everything you need to thrive in this age is already inside you, and will be bought out of you when you alchemize with your future self who has already tread the path you are here to tread.
Knowing what to do, and when to do it, is the easy part.
Trusting and acting upon that inner knowing, that unfurls only one step at a time, is the hard part – until you learn to trust it. Then you’re off flying freely, confidently architecting your reality into effect, spontaneously unfurling, via your own personal instructions, one step at a time — and then the container you and I have created together, will dissolve. Until then it is the fertile practice ground for your future self to pour his/her magic through.
Because ultimately, you don’t need me to live your greatest life. All you need to learn is how to trust the nature of your own unfurling – which only unfolds, like and as Nature itself, one step at a time.
My job is to be your cheerleader, mirror and reflector of your innermost nature. The container we create together is what alchemizes within and through you when you are embodied, without self censorship. It’s the container within which you reveal why you’re really here and what steps to take when. It’s the space in which new worlds are shepherded into your experience of material reality. It’s the womb from which your future is born.