All that’s real
is the purity of love
and your own
Source energy
from the inside out
to your own Source energy
you have everything
you need
because here
When I turn your cards
I won’t see anything
you don’t already know
about yourself
at your core
but I’ll see
what you doubt
and hide away
where no one can see
I’ll see
what you tell yourself
is not good enough
wise enough
right enough
worthy enough
to bring into the light of day
because those
not-enough programs
are so fucking rife
in us all
that we think it’s normal
to be so unsure
that we tarnish our luster
and turn our frequency down
till it’s so heavy
we’ll never soar
and instead
seek outside ourselves
for answers
that only lay
So what I will do
is cheerlead you
back to your elemental sovereignty
where you can easily discern
the truth of your purity
so that you know
what’s you
what’s someone else
and what’s planetary
My only goal
is to do myself
out of a job
you don’t need anything
outside of yourself
once you’ve plugged
back into
the Sovereignty
of your elemental nature

Carmel is a kind of coach. A life coach, a business coach, a spiritual coach. She has a natural ability to be super objective, direct and clear as she helps people see where they’re at in their lives and what their talents are, illuminating their unhealthy habits and identifying unseen potential and options, eradicating pointless cycles and old school thinking. She’s brilliant. It doesn’t matter what the person, the client, requires, she has a tool. She lives, walks and eats her business with a clarity and authenticity that doesn’t fit any particular model but will help you utilize the frequencies available to create the life you came here to live. It’s powerful, pivotal, life enhancing, earth magician work! Thank you for being you! Emily,
Emily, Homeopath, Spain
Click here to book your appointment
We Are Forever CHANGED
Most of us have come through the first years of the 2020’s completely changed. Tarot for ‘these’ times shines a guiding light into what is seeking to emerge through you in this now moment. This work is not predictive. I don’t work that way. Time is moving far too fast to even try. What we will do instead is come up with your ‘One Step Plan’ that will point to what you already know in your heart to be true, but may not trust as your next step, and fuel you from the inside out to take it. Unfurling of our own personal truth happens, frond by frond, just like nature.
You’ve likely not been seen or heard, let alone held, at the deepest level of self before. You will leave hour long sessions feeling pure, clear, confident and inspired to take the next step, knowing you have everything you need already inside you. You can use a session as a spring board into a deeper layers of mentorship where we create a field of exploration that will assist you to dream your dream life into effect one now-moment at a time, from the inside out.
A three month mentorship will transform a specific area of life that will ripple through all areas of life by unfurling you through the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual layers of your elemental sovereignty.
You are earth and have physical resources.
You are air and you have mental resources.
You are water enriched with emotional resources.
And you are fire… you are your own purification chamber and you can blaze trails in any direction your story chooses to unfurl.
It’s time to unfurl YOU through your elemental sovereignty from the inside out.
It’s time to rewrite your future,
like only YOU can.
Years ago Carmel serendipitously “came to me” for a reading, and that’s now become several over the years. She always functions as a beautiful bridge between soul and the earthly rut I sometimes find myself in. When I get slightly impatient in life or just feel a need to have a better perspective on what’s going on, I can always turn to her. Carmel’s readings are powerful, profound and very detailed in respect to re-aligning ones thought or mind with what is. I love how she delivers the information and sure enough we always end up with laughter and much gratitude. It’s a privilege to have you in my life, I’m always grateful for you. Namaste – Peter
Peter Brauner, Copenhagen, Denmark
Learning the Difference Between a Program and the Purity of LOVE
Once you see the programs you have been running and how your mind has been working, the emotions you are repetitively fuelling and the patterns you keep running, you can undo them, transmute them, and generate new ones from the power of our own Source energy. Your ego and life conditioning has cloaked you in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual disguises that mask you from your elemental sovereignty – the truth and power of who and what you really are. You are in the finishing times for these cloaks and moving into a whole new world where you don’t need to repetitively fuel the old patterns — doing so is how you continue to re-create your past.
We are done with the past. It is your time to live in the positive future we were born in these times for.
The sessions we have together will deliver an intuitive download that will open pathways of awareness to your own healing ability and realign you with your own Source energy. The conversation we have will be purifying and you will leave feeling light, free and clear. Inside the alchemical pot we create together a new path of possibilities emerges that will guide and center you in a very real and visceral way. They will highlight the next steps to take by bringing online the instructions you have for your life from the inside out – in other words: from the purity of YOU.
Inside you are the codes you were born with, like a blueprint for these tumultuous but expansive times. YOU KNOW exactly why you are here and what you are here to do. A mentorship with me will help activate the codes within you for these times and move you into a new world, without the triggers and hangups of the past — they are what’s purifying. Together we will spring clean your spiritual cobwebs and karmic conditioning so that your human can function freely and powerfully in the new, more expansive frequencies that are now available.
Your past is recreated as your future by continuing to do what you’ve always done, which keeps the ways of the old world ticking with all it’s divisive power struggles and control strategies. We’re alive at a powerful and potent juncture where a future living in higher frequencies aligned with and as love is now available–if we choose to live that, it’s actually already here, we just need to stop living the past and dream our future into existence one now-moment at a time. Your most powerful moves emerge one Source Connected step at a time. When you see, undo and transmute old habitual patterns you purify the space that remains to generate new ones. You are your own purification chamber. You don’t need guidance or instruction from anyone or thing outside of you.
Tarot for ‘these’ times is not a prophetic casting into a predictable future, we’re moving too fast for that. Instead we look at your stumbling blocks and confused narratives, alchemize your inner healing ability, plug you into your own source energy and plonk you firmly on the path of the timeline you came here to live. If you’re on the planet at this time all you need is a cheerleader to shine light on it. Let’s reveal it, bring it online and cast you back into your own life empowered with the clarity of someone living from their own source connection.
It’s up to you. You’re in the drivers seat now. And you are choosing your future in every Now Moment.
Contact me here to set up your three month mentorship online via Skype or WhatsApp.
Carmel has a direct way of meeting you in your world to share her gifts with reassurance, intuition, wisdom and love. I left feeling settled, trusting, clear and excited about the opportunities in my life. She is compassionate and kind and goodness knows we require more of that in our world. She is straight up and delivers her message with sincerity and integrity. It is clear Carmel has done her inner work and knows how to read the cards with a depth and truth through her connection to Creator. I highly recommend her x With love and kindness x
Lisa Lister – Healer/Teacher, Taranaki, New Zealand
A tarot reading with Carmel is a journey into the symbolic, the mystical, the sacred and the divine. She is gifted with the ability to hold open a spiritual space for her client that is authentic and empowering. A reading with her is rare opportunity to enter the tarot realm with someone who has a deep personal insight, knowledge and experience of spirit.
Murray, New Zealand
Reach out
for a
“Tarot for NOW”
and find out
what is seeking
to emerge
through you at this time.
How your mind works
the emotions
you repetitively fuel
and the patterns you keep living
are creating your future
A tarot reading with me
will point out
stumbling blocks
and highlight
your path forward
into the deeply healing times
we are living in